
Power-over-Ethernet - Why you should use PoE!
[Translate to English:] 2 Enden eines Ethernetkabels

Power-over-Ethernet combines data transmission and power supply in a single cable and is thus an extension of Ethernet technology. Especially for smaller network devices, PoE is used as a cost-effective, secure and flexible solution for businesses…

My internship at Cybertrading GmbH
[Translate to English:] Mitschriften aus der Praktikumszeit bei Cybertrading

Hi, my name is Amy and I had the opportunity to do an internship at Cybertrading GmbH from the 20/03 to the 31/03. I accompanied and supported the employees of the Marketing and Human Resources (HR) departments. One of my tasks was to write my own…

We wish EGG-cellent Easter
colourful easter bunnies with the writing "Happy Easter"

“At Easter, nature awakens to new life, everything starts to bloom and to green.”

Fail-safe IT systems - 7 easy tips for your company
Lock protects hardware 24/7

Cyberattacks, power outages or user errors - IT hardware malfunctions or even breakdowns can lead to long downtimes of your IT systems. The consequences for businesses are extensive. Reduction of productivity and higher costs are common side effects…

Annual Review 2022 - The 15th year of Cybertrading's history
Cybertrading Company and the year 2022

The 15th year of Cybertrading GmbH - 2022 is coming to an end. We, the Cybertrading GmbH, would like to thank our employees, customers and business partners for a successful year. Now it is time to review the year and take a closer look at our highs,…