
Don't be afraid to kick off your career - this is what your new job at Cybertrading could look like
Blog Article Don't be afraid to kick off your career

I was actually still in the middle of writing my master's thesis when I stumbled across the job advertisement for a social media manager at Cybertrading. Wrong time, right job?

Error, the server no longer works and what now? - How to avoid typical error messages
cover blog article server error messages

Servers are essential for a company's functioning workflows, as they provide the necessary services via the company's internal computer network. A server system failure can...

Workplace health promotion - What we learned from our first health day
Healthday Cybertrading

Who has time to take care of their own health? In addition to work, everyday life and family, many people neglect their health. What if health promotion and prevention measures were already integrated into everyday work?

"Hey, everything's shiny and new" - Our online store has a new look
Woman with tablet in hand

Good things need time, right? As a leading IT trading company, we are especially aware of the importance of data and internet security and are fully embracing the digitalization process...

5 Challenges for network management and how to overcome them
Server cabinet with its components

Did you know that without IT networks there would be neither the Internet nor tele-phones? IT networks make it possible for devices to interact with each other and are therefore an integral part of everyday life and companies...